Tuesday 7 May 2024

Greetings to all of you who might happen to visit my blog.

Wow!  Indeed, it has been a long time since I posted any news from ZIMBABWE.  Perhaps that is because it had been just about a year since I was last here. Nevertheless I have only been absent in body as I continue to teach on-line while I am back in Canada.

My connection between Canada and Zimbabwe continue to broaden as just before I left to return to Zimbabwe, our (PACC) fornmer Academic Dean and his family, relocated to Canada, to Chetwynd, B.C. where Pastor Tich has accepted a call to pastor the Pentecostal church there.  Glen and I, along with our District Supoerintendant and his wife were privileged to be present and participate in the installation service welcoming them to their new church family and their new home.  Pastor Tich and I worked closely together at PACC for the past 7-8 years.  We even co-authored a text book which was published in 2023.  Albeit they are a twewlve hour drive North of us, it is good to call them neighbors as well as good friends.

I returned to PACC  (Pan Afriaca Christian College), leaving Canada on February 27th, arriving in Zimbabwe on February 29th. 

About two weeks after I arrived, Ralph and Carrie Peters,the Senior's pastor from our church in Penticton and his wife, joined us here at PACC for a short term mission.  Ralph taught a block course while they were here and they fell in love with the place.  We managed to take a day trip to Imiri game park and a visit to the Balancing Rocks.  Carrie did some teaching at the Village of Hope, orphange and school and we joined on a feeding program which is operated out of the Village of Hope.  It was great to have them here.  

The first picture here is the balancing rocks, which are a famous feature here in Harare, located just s short drive from our college.  

Next we have here some of the animals we saw on our game drive.

The feeding program was a highlight for our guests and both pastor Ralph and Carrie enjoyed interacting with the children as they served them.

I enjoyed a 'tail-gate' luncheon party with my students during one of our weekend block courses.


When I first arrived, I spent some time re-aquainting myself with the area and the day after arrival, I went for a drive simply to get familiar with my truck, with driving on the 'wrong' side of the road and driving a standard.  It was a good feeling to have that independance and not totally relying on others.

Glen joined me here in Zimbabwe and spent a week here at PACC before continuing on to Bulawayo to spend time with friends there.  He will then come back to PACC just in time for graduation and we will then return to Canada together. 

Things are busy at our college as we have students on-site and those who continue to join us on-line.

The picture here above shows the remnants of the student hosted grad party with a few of the grads roating the lecturers and sharing some of their expereinces during their time at PACC.

Time has slipped by and here it is less than a month and I will be heading back to Canada.  The time has been filled with classes, both with PAOC (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) and AOG (Assemblies of God), topped off with meetings of various nature and now planning for our graduation.  The actual graduation will be on May 31st with a banquet and an alumni conference with the convocation ceremonies being on June 1st.  That will wrap up my time here for this stint and we will be flying back to Canada, leaving Zimbabwe on June 2nd.

Enough rambling for now. My next post will no doubt be an update from back in Canada.  

Blessings to all.


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